Friday, January 9, 2009

A is for Aunties

I'm enjoying a new meme from the Homeschool Post.

Here is how to join the fun:

1. Post a photo for each letter of the alphabet of anything that starts with that letter.

2. Write a few short explanatory, quirky, or witty sentences about each photo you post.

3. Only post one photo at a time (the meme can take as long as you want - a month, three months, whatever… you aren’t being graded). You can link them later in a blog post so they are listed in order if you are the list-making type.

4. If you want to join the meme, sign the Mr. Linky over at HSBA and use the “A B See Photo-Meme” graphic in your sidebar.

5. When you post a photo, come by and add it to the weekly A B See linky that we’ll be posting on Foto Fridays for those who have some alphabetical photo to share. You can sign it each week as many times as you have posted photos - one time for each photo linked post. Make sure you link back to the HSBA on your posts, too - so others can come and join the linky.

Since I really am the list making type I'll start with A and try to move through the alaphabet weekly. So, for this week:

A is for Aunties
coincidentally my kids have three Aunties ... all of thier names begin with A

Auntie Ann

Auntie Alli

Auntie Amber


gina said...

what a nice thought for A. :)

Susan {LilbearMe} said...

Love the Auntie's! They must be sisters...they all look similar. Very cute family photos!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog.

"Aunties" is a great choice for "A". What a nice tribute. :-)

Karen @dixielandcrafts said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I loved the Aunties post. Cute pics! I just posted my D one. "D is for daughters" Check it out when you have time.

God Bless,
KC <><