Saturday, February 28, 2009

G is for Granpda & Grandma

I'm enjoying a photo meme from the Homeschool Post.

To join the fun please visit Foto Fridays

This week G is for Grandpas & Grandmas
and our Great Grandpas and Grandmas:

Here is Great Gransma Mary (my hubby's Grandma), with me and our baby Mary

Here we are with Grandma and Grandpa S. (my hubby's parents)

These are my Grandparents at a Twins baseball game this summer, they have so much fun cheering on their team with a team of their grandchildren and great grandchildren

These are Grandma and Grandpa C. (my mom and dad) at Christmas time with all 10 of their Grandkids

Yes, we are truly blessed to have so many Grandparents!!!

1 comment:

The dB family said...

What a blessing indeed!!!!